
Welcome to Creating a life you love our final module in the Women’s Business School IGNITE program.

You need to watch the video, listen to the podcast or read the transcript of the lesson

This month’s Power Circle will be held on Tuesday 15 October at 11am OR Thursday 17 October at 8pm

Join the Power Circle call here: https://zoom.us/j/976985909

Our final industry expert Q & A is happening on Tuesday 29 October at 11am join the call here: https://zoom.us/j/976985909 

Book in for a progress call here: https://calendly.com/hello-519/progress-call 

Complete the assessment tasks in the workbook and email kellie@thewomensbusinessschool.com to submit your work for marking by 5pm Friday 1 November.


READ THE TRANSCRIPT HERE Susan_Pearse__Creating_a_life_you_love

DOWNLOAD the workbook here:


Susan Pearse

Hay House author, business expert and spiritual mentor Susan Pearse.

Susan is a best-selling author , business expert and co-Founder of Mind Gardener who, for over 15 years, has introduced her mind gardening techniques into some of Australia’s largest and most high profile businesses. She is a key adviser to CEOs and business owners who are looking to achieve incredible results, but with an equally positive personal impact. A quarter life crisis, a shopping trip to New York, and a chance meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama lead to the discovery of Susan’s life’s purpose: to wake up the world. Susan’s passion is to teach people in all walks of life the need to get out of their head and into their body. Susan blogs regularly for The Huffington Post and has inspired millions on radio and TV segments and on the speakers circuit.

For nearly 20 years Susan has been a business teacher with a difference.  Participants of her award winning leadership programs often remark “this is completely different to what we were taught at University but the approach works – it gets instant results with half the effort!”  She teaches business in a way that emphasises feminine traits of collaboration, compassion, authenticity, vulnerability  and creativity.  And it delivers results!

“I spent the first decade of my career leading like a man.  It was the only model of success at Uni and in my company.  But it was stressful, hard work and the minimal results weren’t worth the personal impact.  Then I came across the teachings of the divine feminine and combined this with my love of neuroscience, quantum physics and business know-how to create something really unique.  I walked the path first and saw incredible results and then began teaching leaders another way.”

More information can be found at www.mindgardener.com