
We believe everyone has a story to share and we love sharing some of these inspirational stories with you. We feel so fortunate to meet amazing women in the work that we do and can’t wait to introduce you to them!


We believe that investing in women is the most powerful way to change the world and our show features and celebrates women who are making a significant impact in the world in some way.


That impact might be as a thought leader, by creating a movement, being an activist, a change-maker, in humanitarian efforts, environmental efforts, community building, equality, advocacy, breaking ground in innovation, health, education, tech and leading world-changing companies, not-for-profits and social enterprises.


We’re featuring fearless, visionary women from countries around the world who are courageously following their calling and have a message to share that will inspire women everywhere to create change in big and small ways.  The show is all about sharing inspirational true stories from influential leaders to help inspire our tribe to dream bigger, reach their full potential and become more empowered in creating change in their lives.


In this week’s episode of ‘Women will change the world’ TV  Peace Mitchell will chat with Eva Wintersberger, founder of Tree Hut Village.


Tree Hut Village is a peer to peer platform where parents can hire / lend / buy and sell their baby equipment to each other. Eva was inspired to create this platform back when she was at home for 12 months with her son. She had time but not a lot of disposable income. Eva travelled to the Whitsundays with her husband and 4 month old baby and ended up hiring from a local person and the penny dropped so to say. Eva wanted to enable every parent to become a mini-entrepreneur and to remove the need for $20 strollers which are just tossed into landfills after one-time of using it.


In this episode of Women will Change the World TV Peace Mitchell chats with Eva Wintersberger of Tree Hut Village about her innovative solution helping new parents

Posted by Women's Business School on Wednesday, 13 June 2018

>>> Click here to view the TV episode <<<



Nominations are open for the 2018 AusMumpreneur Awards!



Nominations are now open for the AusMumpreneur Awards, if you know a deserving mum in business make her day by nominating, it takes less than one minute: https://bit.ly/2IuoDjh